Creating your own massage oil is a great way to personalize your massage/intimate encounter on Valentine’s Day. Coming up with essential oil blends that pique both of your interests intimately, enhance energy, relieve tension, or relax the senses is a fun activity that helps you learn about one another on a whole different level. Today, […]
Top 10 Essential Oils for Romance and Intimacy
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to spice things up and try something new! Unfortunately, many products that are geared towards romance and intimacy are loaded with chemicals, sugar, and other impurities that can be found in things like industrial cleaning products. Yeah. That doesn’t sound very healthy to me especially when applying these to […]
Romantic Essential Oil Blends for Valentine’s Day
Throughout human history, scent and memories have played a fundamental role in our lives and evolution. The limbic system is closely tied not only with our sense of smell, but also our emotions, certain behaviors, and of course, our long-term memory. One example of this is the sudden memories that flood our thoughts when we […]