Positivity can be a slippery emotion to grasp onto, so much so, there’s countless books written on the subject, thousands of inspirational and meditative youtube channels, TedTalks, bootcamps, retreats…you name it, it’s been made to help those of us struggling with a dark cloud over our heads work on positivity.
Us humans have always been eager to focus on the negative in practically every situation as if people who are genuinely trying to be kind to us have some hidden ulterior motive. We question everything because it’s a way to protect ourselves from feeling hurt, exposed, or judged. It’s a sad and lonely way to exist being a pessimist.
Believe me, I’ve been there. More often than I’d like to admit.
In fact, it is said that for every negative thing that you experience, you need at least three positive things to help you move past those negative feelings and feel content again. Sometimes it lasts, but most often it doesn’t.
This is because we dwell on things that have been done or said to us (even the things not said or done) for way longer that we should. Months, years, decades – some bitter feelings have lasted generations.
We can even manage to ruin some of the best experiences of our lives by focusing on that one little thing that went wrong.
Well, it’s time to stop this vicious cycle and embrace more positivity in our lives.
You see, positivity is about being proactive and optimistic in everything that you do, even when times get tough.
Positive people are successful people because they are constantly thinking of strategies to improve themselves inside and out. They don’t just sit there and wait for good things to fall into their laps, they reach out and take them by learning to deal with different people and situations.
Instead of daydreaming that things will “just get better one day” or wallowing in despair, they set small realistic goals and reach for them, little by little, step by step without blaming themselves or others. They remove themselves from the problem and look at it constructively and ask themselves “How could I have done better?”. Instead of beating themselves up over it, they use this lesson to their advantage or simply let it go.
Of course, a lot of mishaps happen in our lives, but positive people don’t let those mishaps rule their thoughts or actions.
This amazing experience we call life is both light and dark, good and bad, and the trick is to find a way where more good happens than the negative.
The thing you have to realize is that you have the ultimate control over how you think, act, and react and optimism is the key to coming out on top every time.
Do you hate your job? Then think of ways to improve your situation. Maybe there is a skill set you have you can use to your advantage for a promotion or transfer. Maybe you can get a new job altogether.
The key is thinking in a positive way to improve your current situation and relationship with others.
A few tips to think on are:
• Focus on your successes rather than your failures
• Cut bigger problems into manageable chunks that you can deal with more easily
• Know what you want and why you want it. Create a plan on how to get it and act on it
• Do one task each day that brings you closer to your goal
• Know that every hardship is a valuable lesson and every cloud has a silver lining
• Things always work out in the end
Essential Oils for Positivity
Essential oils are like tiny bottles of pure positivity. Their scent can burn through negative thoughts like condensed sunlight, guiding you to optimism and nudging you towards inner peace.
Some of the best essential oils for positivity include:
• Basil
• Bergamot
• Cardamom
• Cedarwood atlas
• Cypress
• Frankincense
• Geranium
• Grapefruit
• Juniper berry
• Lemon
• Patchouli
• Petitgrain
• Pine
• Rosemary
• Sweet orange
• Vetiver
I personally find citrus oils to be incredibly good at cutting through all types of negative emotions. You simply cannot feel angry or upset while sniffing lemon essential oil! I implore you to give it a try.
Another favorite of mine is cardamom. It blends really well with lemon and is one of my favorite personal perfumes.
Here are a few positivity essential oil blends you can add to a diffuser or spritzer bottle:
Positivity Blend #1
• 3 drops cardamom essential oil
• 5 drops lemon essential oil
• 5 drops grapefruit essential oil
Positivity Blend #2
• 5 drops geranium essential oil
• 4 drops grapefruit essential oil
• 4 drops petitgrain essential oil
• 2 drops frankincense essential oil
Positivity Blend #3 – This one’s great for sleep!
• 5 drops cedarwood essential oil
• 5 drops lavender essential oil
• 3 drops pine essential oil
• 3 drops cypress essential oil
Add each oil to your favorite diffuser or a 1oz spritzer bottle and diffuse for 20 minutes as needed or spritz your personal space. Take some deep breathes and focus on the positive side of things.
You’ll soon be finding yourself thinking “Hey! Things aren’t so bad afterall!”
What have been your favorite essential oils for positivity?
You may also enjoy reading:
Essential Oils for Depression
Essential Oils for Mindfulness
Essential Oils for Stress
Healing Depression Naturally
Cindy says
Thanks so much, TASH. you have have helped me tremendously. Your positive energy and intelligence is what everyone should experience. I hope you have a lot of followers. You lift others up, and that speaks for itself. You are like the sunshine peaking through dark clouds. Thank you, special lady!
Tash says
Thank you for your kind words, Cindy! 🙂