Emotions are things. They are tangible in ways that fill our hearts to bursting or rend us asunder with anger, heartache, jealousy, compassion, and love. They are what makes us human and differentiates us from one person to another. Emotions are our way of letting things in and letting things go. They are our shield and our armor, but also our faults and our weaknesses.
Emotions make up every fiber of our being. This is what makes them so important in understanding wellness and how each path leading to health and well-being, depends on our ability to transverse negativity and let IN positivity and wholeness.
Have you ever heard of the saying “You are what you eat”? Well, I say, “You are what you feel”. Eating healthy and leading an active lifestyle is not enough when it comes to wellness.
You must also nourish your mental health in order to be whole.
Thinking things like “I’m not good enough” or “I am not worthy” makes it true because you believe in it. You have already decided what your limitations are by telling yourself that you’re not good enough, so therefore you aren’t.
This is where the road ends. I can’t go any further than this.
This also goes with telling others that you believe yourself stupid by saying things like “This is a stupid question…”. What is it with diminishing ourselves? These emotions are being fed negativity and are getting bigger every day. I think many of us shed ourselves in dim light these days in front of others.
But here’s the thing, it’s okay to express positivity about what you’re doing or how you feel because being humble has its limits too!
What you feed your mind can either be nourishing or damaging to the body and soul. It can be toxic or empowering. How you feel signals the brain to release a cocktail of signals, chemicals, and hormones that travel throughout the body and impact our endocrine, nervous, and immune systems negatively allowing us to experience spontaneous pain, illness, and imbalance.
Having negative emotions and thoughts can often become so chronic that it becomes self-limiting.
When this happens, our bodies are unable to compensate and we are in a constant state of stress and dis-ease.
How to Staunch Circulating Negativity in Our Minds
So how do we help negate thoughts and emotions that don’t serve and nourish us? How do we help re-wire our minds so that we are no longer self-limiting ourselves? How do we help heal old wounds so we can finally let go?
With the use of nature’s most powerful plant essences; essential oils!
Aromatherapy, affirmations, and creating new positive patterns, is an amazing way to help ease, comfort, and nourish our minds and our souls!
Our sense of smell is directly connected to the brain. When we inhale, scent molecules travel along the same route (the limbic system) as our behaviors, emotions, mood, and memories.
Have you ever smelled something that reminded you of your grandmother or a specific moment in your life? That’s the power of scent and emotions becoming one and the same.
How to Use Essential Oils for Letting Go
In order to use essential oils for letting go in the best way possible, you will need to do two things:
1. Choose a positive affirmation
So I know that you may think saying affirmations is cheesy and doesn’t work, but do you remember what I said about how you believe chronic negative thoughts about yourself? Well guess what? It works the other way too!
What you need to do is choose something meaningful, positive, and easy to repeat to yourself either out loud or in your mind. For example, you can say “I am worthy of happiness”, “I am strong and confident”, or “I love myself, I am beautiful”.
Whatever it may be that resonates with you, stick with it and say it with meaning and an open mind. Do not let negativity in while saying it. If negativity creeps into your thoughts or what you are saying, say your affirmation to yourself in your mind or out loud to dissipate the negative emotions.
Say your affirmation upon waking, throughout the day, and before you go to sleep.
2. Choose an essential oil or essential oil blend
Remember when I asked you if there was a scent that brought you back in time to a specific moment? This is the same method, but with a singular oil or blend of essential oils that will make your brain associate your affirmation with the scent you choose.
When choosing an essential oil or oil blend, make sure that it is a pleasant and cheerful smell such as citrus or floral oils. You can of course use whatever oil you like best as well.
For example, my husband loves balsam fir essential oil and so he uses that for positivity.
My Favorite Essential Oils for Letting Go
There are a few essential oils that are particularly useful for banishing negativity, gloominess, and lack of self-worth:
Angelica– protective and calming
Bergamot– helps you let go of anger, anxiety, loneliness, insecurity, and fear. (This is my favorite oil by far to use)
Cedarwood– helps you overcome meekness
Frankincense– elevates and stimulates the mind. Helps you let go of approval and feelings of worthlessness
Geranium– helps you let go of wanting to please everyone
Helichrysum– let go of panic, loneliness, and grief
Jasmine– let go of stress and habits that burn you out
Lavender– for abandonment and atonement
Melissa– also known as “heart’s delight”, Melissa is good for letting of self-limitations
Palmarosa– enhances security and a sense of unconditional love
Roman chamomile– helps you let go of irritability
Rose otto– enhances spiritual focus. Helps you let go of depression
Rosewood– helps you release grief and sadness
Sandalwood– helps calm overactive emotions. Strengthens independency
Ylang ylang– illumination. Helps you face your fears
How to use Essential Oils for Letting Go
When you feel a negative thought or emotion surfacing, either say your affirmation aloud or in your mind while smelling the essential oil you chose.
Firmly believe in your affirmation and repeat it as many times as necessary.
You can either add the essential oil you chose to a roll-on bottle with a carrier oil for easy application on the neck and wrists, or you can simply breathe deeply from the essential oil bottle itself for 3-4 breaths.
Envision yourself letting go. Repeat as needed until you believe in your affirmation.
What are your favorite essential oils for letting go?
Don’t miss these articles:
Essential Oils for Depression
Healing Depression Naturally
All Natural Mosquito Repellent with Essential Oils
How to Boost Fertility with Essential Oils
How to Make an Anti-anxiety Room and Body Spray
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Anna Torio says
Do you have a recipe for letting go
What would you recommend as a blend
Tash says
Hi Anna!
I personally find Bergamot to be especially soothing, but everyone is different. Perhaps dry diffusing one drop of jasmine and 3 drops of bergamot to see how that makes you feel. otherwise, choose from the list of essential oil I have provided and diffuse the ones that resonate with you 🙂
Megan Davis says
Thank you for the information, always love hearing of new ways to use Essential Oils!
Tash says
Wonderful! Thank you Megan 😀
Anya@Prepare+Nourish says
I love this list. Essential oils are so amazing!
Tash says
Thank you Anya!
Carol@studiobotanica says
Thanks for sharing these ideas~ we all need help with releasing ‘stuff’ from time to time!
I use herbs predominantly for this ~ and agree that affirmations and positive receptivity can be enhanced with delightful power of the plants’ oils. Curious re your source for the list of which eo does what.. I looked but couldn’t see a source listed. Thanks again. Here’s to happy days and balance!
Tash says
Hi Carol!
I used the book called “The Complete Guide to Aroma Therapy” by Salvatore Battaglia 🙂
linda spiker says
Essential oils can really help when I need to relax. I love the idea of adding an affirmation.
Tash says
Affirmations really make a difference 🙂
Anna@GreenTalk says
I never realized you can use EO for negativity. Interesting.
Tash says
Absolutely! EOs are great for all kinds of emotions 🙂